

Psychiatrist, Integrative Psychiatry, Board-Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist & Integrative Holistic Medicine in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA

Telemedicine services offered in Los Angeles, CA

If you have to miss important medical appointments because of a busy schedule, telemedicine might be the solution you need. At the office of Melissa Quinn, MD, you can schedule initial mental health evaluations and follow-up visits through a convenient, online platform. Through telemedicine, Dr. Quinn offers greater scheduling flexibility and personalized medical attention, so you can get the treatment you need no matter where you are. Call the office in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, today to schedule a telemedicine consultation or book an appointment online.


What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine is a service that allows you to meet with Dr. Quinn through an online platform. Through telemedicine, you can connect with her directly to discuss your urgent medical needs when you can’t travel to the office.

You can also use telemedicine services for an initial evaluation of symptoms that relate to:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Postpartum depression
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Medication management

Dr. Quinn can evaluate your symptoms during an online video conference to determine if you need to come into the office for additional diagnostic testing or treatment.  

For some of your follow-up appointments, Dr. Quinn can meet with you online to ensure your treatments are working well. You still need to come into the office for some visits, especially if you’re taking medications and need blood work or other diagnostic testing.

What can I expect during my first telemedicine appointment?

During your initial telemedicine appointment, you connect with Dr. Quinn through an online video conferencing platform at a prescheduled time. She provides you with information to connect to the platform ahead of your appointment.

Dr. Quinn gives you one-on-one attention as you discuss your symptoms or urgent-care needs. Your appointment is also a good time to ask questions you have about your health or any treatments you’re using for anxiety, depression, or other disorders.

Through telemedicine, Dr. Quinn can assess your mental health and prescribe new medications or make adjustments to your existing prescription. She can also provide cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), life coaching, and mindfulness resources through the telemedicine platform.

If you need medical attention, Dr. Quinn can help you arrange an in-office visit. She can also help you schedule follow-up appointments through the online telemedicine platform.

What are the benefits of telemedicine?

Telemedicine offers many benefits for people receiving mental health care. Through the online video conferencing platform, you can access Dr.Quinn’s knowledge and experience when you’re not able to travel to the office.

This means you can follow through with your visits no matter where you are and continue to meet with Dr. Quinn when you’re on vacation, on a work trip, or aren’t well enough to travel to the office.

Telemedicine also saves you the hassle and cost of traveling to the office for every appointment. This is especially beneficial if you rely on others for transportation.

To learn more about the benefits of telemedicine, call the office of Melissa Quinn, MD, today or book a consultation online.